
目前顯示的是 4月, 2022的文章

[食品 Food]食品宣稱 Food Claim

   食品宣稱 Food Claim 依據食品安全衛生管理法第二十八條,食品、食品添加物、食品用洗潔劑及經中央主管機關公告之食品器具、食品容器或包裝,其標示、宣傳或廣告,不得有不實、誇張或易生誤解、醫療效能之標示、宣傳或廣告。 *食品添加物、食品容器具若宣稱醫療效能,是以違反藥事法第69條:非本法所稱之藥物,不得為醫療效能之標示或宣傳。罰則為藥事法91條,60-2500萬。 1.涉及範圍 1.「宣傳之文字」部分,包括內容、排列、大小、形狀等,或「非屬文字部分」,如圖片、圖像、動畫、符號等,或「整體表現(以文字搭配圖片)」,任何隱喻、暗喻、明喻之情事。 2.以「原文」標示之詞句,包含所有語言(日文德文英文韓文義大利文等),亦在範圍內。 3.注意要點: 「註冊商標」,雖係由經濟部智慧財產局所核發,其目的僅為商標權益之保護而非食品衛生管理,故食品無論以任何名詞申請商標註冊,仍屬規定範圍內。 特殊廣告宣稱限制 嬰兒與較大嬰兒配方食品(1歲以下) 1.嬰兒配方食品:指特製之母乳替代品,於採用適當之輔助食品前,單獨食用即可滿足出生至六個月內嬰兒之營養需求。 2.較大嬰兒配方輔助食品:指供逾六個月至十二個月之較大嬰兒,於斷奶過程中,配合嬰兒副食品所使用之配方食品,但不適用於六個月以下嬰兒單獨使用。 3.僅可以「學術性醫療刊物」、「僅供醫事人員使用之說明資料(未開放民眾取閱)」進行廣告。 4.不得宣稱或影射嬰兒與較大嬰兒配方食品等同或其營養優於母乳。 5.不得以贈品、樣品、折扣券、優待券、開罐價(未訂生效日)、搭配其他物品銷售或以特別展示會之方式為促銷。 不適合未滿十二歲兒童長期食用之食品 1.食品範圍:零食、糖果、飲料、冰品、直接供應飲食之場所所提供之食品。其成分比例符合以下:  (1)脂肪所占熱量為總熱量百分之三十以上。  (2)飽和脂肪所占熱量為總熱量百分之十以上。  (3)鈉含量每份四百毫克以上。  (4)額外添加糖所占熱量為總熱量百分之十以上。 2.不得以以下方式進行廣告:  (1)17時至21時,於兒童頻道刊播廣告。  (2)以可取代正餐飲食之表示或表徵為廣告。  (3)對兒童以贈送、加購玩具或以玩具為獎勵等方式為促銷。 2.可標示宣稱內容 法規規定可使用內容 1.一般可宣稱之例句:...

[食品 Food]蔬果汁標示規定 Regulation of Vegetable Juice Label

 蔬果汁標示規定  Regulation of Vegetable Juice Label 適用範圍 Scope of Application: 產品外包裝標示果蔬名稱(含品名)或標明果蔬圖示(樣),且直接供飲用之包裝飲料。 Packaged beverages of which the packaging bears the names (product name included) and/or images (illustrations) of fruit and/or vegetable and sold for direct consumption. 加標事項 Need to label : 果汁含量 >10% <10% 0 標示 實際果汁含有率 果汁含量小於10% 無果汁 Label The juice content percentage of fruit/vegetable “Fruit (vegetable) juice content less than 10%” “no real fruit or vegetable juice contained” 其他加標事項 1.品名揭露全部果蔬名稱,其名稱應依含量多寡由高至低依序標示。 2.品名未揭露全部果蔬名稱,應於品名或外包裝正面處顯著標示「綜合果(蔬)汁」、「混合果(蔬)汁」或等同意義字樣。 不得標示果蔬汁或等同意義字樣。 產品品名含果蔬名稱者,並應於品名中標示「口味」、「風味」或等同意義字樣。 Other item 1 If the product name shows all the fruit and vegetable added in the product, their respective contents shall be indicated in descending order of weight. 2 If the product name does not show all the fruit or vegetable added in the product, the product name or the front of the package shall explicitly declare the word “assorted jui...

[食品 Food]調和油標示規定 Regulation of Blended Oil Label

 調和油標示規定  Regulation of Blended Oil Label 應加標 Need to label : 1.標明「調合油」字樣。 The term “blended oil”. *於外包裝明顯易見處,標明「調合油」字樣。The term “blended oil” shall be shown clearly on the outer packaging of the product. The color of the term “blended oils” shall be contrast sufficiently with the background so as to be easy to read. *字體,長寬不得小於六公厘。The font of the term “blended oils” shall be no smaller than 6 mm in length and width. 品名限制 Restrict of Product name : 1.僅可以二種以下(含二種)油脂名稱為品名。The name of a retail prepackaged blended oil shall contain two (or less) kinds of oils. 2.外包裝品名中只宣稱一種油脂名稱者,該項油脂需佔產品內容物含量百分之五十以上。If only one kind of oil is specified in the name of the product, that oil shall account for more than 50% of the content of the product. 3.品名中宣稱二種油脂名稱者,該二種油脂須各佔產品內容物含量百分之三十以上,且油脂名稱於品名中應依其含量多寡由高至低排列之。If two kinds of oils are specified in the name of the product, each oil shall account for more than 30% of the content of the product. The order of the name shall be shown according to the c...

[食品 Food]米粉產品標示 Regulation of Rice vermicelli Label

 米粉產品標示  Regulation of Rice vermicelli Label 定義 Define : (一)純米粉(絲)、米粉(絲):使用百分之百米為原料製成者。 (Pure) rice vermicelli : Products made 100% of rice. (二)調合米粉(絲):使用百分之五十以上之米為原料,添加其他食用澱粉或食用榖粉為原料製成者。 Blended rice vermicelli : Products made of at least 50% percent of rice while containing other kinds grain powder as ingredients. 規定內容 Regulation : 米粉含米量 The percentage of rice 100% >50% <50% 0% 應加標 Need to label 加標品名 product name (不得比其他品名小) (Same font on the package) 純米粉(絲)、米粉(絲) (Pure) rice vermicelli 調合米粉(絲) Blended rice vermicelli - - 含米量% Indicate the percentage of rice. (字體>4 mm) (The font is not smaller than 4 mm) 是 Yes 是 Yes - - 冠名「OO米粉」 Brand name "OO rice vermicelli" 可 OK 可 OK (字體小於品名) (Font not smaller the product name) 可 OK (字體小於品名) (Font not smaller the product name) 不可 No 不得標示 Not to label - - - OO米粉 OO rice vermicelli 範例 For example : 若米含量<50%,建議可以用「炊粉」或「水粉」標示品名。 參考資料~ 市售包裝米粉絲產品標示規定

[食品 Food]果凍(含蒟蒻成分的)標示 Regulation of Jelly with konjac Label

 果凍(含蒟蒻成分的)標示  Regulation of Jelly with konjac Label 管理範圍 What : 1.產品大小:剖面直徑4.5公分(含)以內球形或類似球形產品,或直徑3.1公分(含)以內非球形產品。Size of product: the product is globular or close to globular with the diameter of the cross-section smaller than 4.5 cm (inclusive), or the product is not globular with the diameter of the cross-section smaller than 3.1 cm (inclusive). 2.產品形狀:球形、卵形、橢圓形及具有圓形剖面者(圓邊、圓筒狀、錐狀子彈形等)。Shape of product: the product is of ball shape, oval shape, ellipse shape or with circular section (round edge, cylinder shape, cone shape etc.) 3.產品構造:入口後產品表面平順滑溜者(此類果凍滑溜,入口後容易沿著舌頭滾至口腔後端,食用者不易控制方向與位置,易導致未經咀嚼即行吞嚥)。Structure of product: the product has smooth and slippery surface after entering the mouth (this type of jelly is slippery and easily moving from tongue to the end of oral cavity, so that consumers cannot easily control the direction and place of its movement which is likely to cause swallowing without first chewing). 4.產品成分:含蒟蒻成分者。Ingredients: containing Konjac. 5.依據:消費者保護法第三十八條 Co...

[食品 Food]速食麵標示規定 Regulation of Instant Noodles

 速食麵標示規定  Regulation of Instant Noodles 若僅有調味粉,未有實際宣稱食材,應標示為OO口味麵、OO風味麵、OO湯麵。 (1) Those contain seasoning powder but do not contain food packet shall name themselves according to the seasoning powder, namely “○○ flavor noodles”, “○○ noodle soup”. (2) Those contain seasoning powder and food packet shall name themselves according to the food packet, namely “○○ noodles”. 範例 For exsample : 牛肉麵 Beef noodles 牛肉+牛肉湯+麵 Beef clod+Beef soup + Noodle ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 牛肉湯麵 Beef noodle soup 牛肉湯+麵  Beef soup + Noodle (沒有牛肉塊 No Beef clod) 包裝速食麵之醒語標示內容: (一)可精簡為「調理參考」、「調理建議」,擇一標示。 (二)字體大小:字體長寬不得小於六公厘。 (三)標示位置:單位最小包裝圖片上明顯易見處。 (四)其他注意事項:醒語之標示,需與外包裝底色不同,俾利辨認。 Labeling of notice regarding instant noodles: (1) Only one of the terms “reference for cooking” and “recommendation for cooking” is needed to be shown on the packaging. (2) Font size: Font size shall not be smaller than 6 mm. (3) Labeling...