[食品 Food]調和油標示規定 Regulation of Blended Oil Label


Regulation of Blended Oil Label

應加標 Need to label :

1.標明「調合油」字樣。 The term “blended oil”.

*於外包裝明顯易見處,標明「調合油」字樣。The term “blended oil” shall be shown clearly on the outer packaging of the product. The color of the term “blended oils” shall be contrast sufficiently with the background so as to be easy to read.

*字體,長寬不得小於六公厘。The font of the term “blended oils” shall be no smaller than 6 mm in length and width.

品名限制 Restrict of Product name :

1.僅可以二種以下(含二種)油脂名稱為品名。The name of a retail prepackaged blended oil shall contain two (or less) kinds of oils.

2.外包裝品名中只宣稱一種油脂名稱者,該項油脂需佔產品內容物含量百分之五十以上。If only one kind of oil is specified in the name of the product, that oil shall account for more than 50% of the content of the product.

3.品名中宣稱二種油脂名稱者,該二種油脂須各佔產品內容物含量百分之三十以上,且油脂名稱於品名中應依其含量多寡由高至低排列之。If two kinds of oils are specified in the name of the product, each oil shall account for more than 30% of the content of the product. The order of the name shall be shown according to the content.

4.如非以油脂名稱為品名者,不得於外包裝上宣稱和油脂名稱類似詞句,如「○○○風味」或「○○○配方」等字樣。A prepackaged blended oil that does not named after name of oils shall not show the name of oils on the packaging; for example, “○○○ flavor” or “○○○ recipe”.

5.花生油為我國特有之調合油,且與其他植物油調合後,仍可保有獨特風味。為符合國人飲食習慣,其命名方式得不依本規定辦理,但仍應於品名中加標「花生風味調合油」字樣。Peanut oil is a special blended oil in Taiwan, and it can still retain its unique flavor after blending with other vegetable oils. In order to comply with the dietary habit of the people, the naming method of peanut oil may not follow this regulation. However, “peanut flavored blended oil” shall still be included in the name of the product.


Seasoning oils, such as sesame oil, sesame oil, sesame oil and chili oil, do not need to follow this regulation.




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