[食品 Food]重組肉、注脂肉標示規定 Labeling Regulation of Restructured Meat, Artificial Marbling Meat


Labeling Regulation of Restructured Meat, Artificial Marbling Meat


1.規範範圍 Define : 

重組肉 Restructured Meat :
以禽畜肉或水產品為原料,經組合、黏著、壓型或其他方式,以一種或多種加工過程製造之產品,且該產品外觀易造成消費者誤解為單一肉 (水產品)塊(排、片)之產品。
This regulation is applicable to the meat (seafood) products made of one or more of the processing technology by reformed, combined or pressure-shaped, and the appearance of the product for the steak (slice), could lead to consumers' misleading as whole pieces of meat products

注脂肉 Artificial Marbling Meat :
Artificial marbling entails the injection of fat into lean meat in order to enhance its taste when cooked. Consumers may mistake such processed cuts for authentic, naturally marbled meat.

2.加標項目 Need to Label :

重組肉 Restructured Meat :
Restructured of packaged foods shall be labeled in Chinese the word "Restructure”, “Combination “, or the words with equivalent meaning shall be marked in the product name. The note “only for well cooked “or the words with equivalent meaning shall also be labeled.

注脂肉 Artificial Marbling Meat :
Artificial Marbling Meat of packaged foods shall be labeled in Chinese the word "Artificial Marbling” or the words with equivalent meaning shall be marked in the product name. The note “only for well cooked “or the words with equivalent meaning shall also be labeled.

3.排除情況 Exception

Appearance of food isn't misunderstood as a whole steak, or a well-known processed meat.
Minced pork ball, fried cuttlefish balls, hot dogs, ham, bacon, sausage, fish plate, pork jerky, hamburger steak.

Appearance of food isn't misunderstood that its fat as it's original fat.

Use frozen , but not for using adhesive ingredient, to stick two or more pieces of meat.

**注意: 外層抹粉的雞塊、豬排、魚排,若是重組肉品,也算是需要加註重組的範圍。
Chicken nuggets, pork chops, fish chops need to label "Restructured", if it meet the define in this regulation.




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