[食品 Food]鹽品標示 Salt Labeling

 鹽品標示 Salt Labeling



Prepackaged food grade salt products that add Potassium iodide or Potassium iodide

Products name shall be as follows: “Iodized salt”, “contains Iodized salt”, or “adds Iodized salt”.
A reminder shall be labeled on the prepackaged food grade salt with Potassium Iodide or Potassium Iodate added as follows: “Iodine is a necessary nutrient. This salt product adds Iodine. Please consult your doctor before use if you are a thyroid patient.”
The content of Iodine shall be stated clearly in the nutrition labeling format.

Prepackaged food grade salt products that do not add Potassium Iodide or Potassium Iodate shall have on its packaging a reminder that states “Iodine is a necessary nutrient. This salt product does not add Iodine”.


Prepackaged food grade salt products that add Potassium Fluoride or Sodium Fluoride

Products name shall be as follows: “Fluoridated salt”, “contains Fluoridated salt”, or “adds Fluoridated salt”.
(2)應註明「併同使用含氟鹽及氟錠前,應諮詢牙醫師意見。」及「限使用於家庭用鹽」醒語字樣。A reminder shall be labeled on the prepackaged food grade salt with Potassium Fluoride or Sodium Fluoride added as follows: “If fluoride tablet is taken while consuming fluoridated salt, please consult your dentist before use.”, and “The fluoridated salt shall be restricted to use at home.”
The content of Fluorine shall be stated clearly in the nutrition labeling format.
The following information may be labeled on the prepackaged food grade salt products: "May help to improve dental health.".



Prepackaged food grade salt products that contain less than 65% of sodium chloride on the market

(1)以「鉀鈉鹽」或「減鈉鹽」為產品品名。Be named as “potassium salt” or “reduced sodium salt”
(2)應註明「減鈉」字樣及鉀離子含量,並應以中文顯著標示「腎病變者應諮詢醫師或營養師是否適宜使用」等警語字樣。The information shall be labeled on the prepackaged reduced sodium salt products: “Sodium-reduced” and the potassium content, and shall conspicuously labeled the warning statement in Chinese: “Nephropathy patient shall consult your physician or dietitian before use this product.”.

字體大小 Font

長寬不得小於4 mm,且其顏色須與產品外包裝底色明顯不同。
The characters of the reminder shall not be less than four (4) millimeter in length and width. The color of the font shall be clearly distinguishable from the background color of the product packaging.




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