[酒類 Alcohol]酒精飲料標示 Label of Alcohol(Alcoholic beverages)
酒精飲料標示 Label of Alcohol(Alcoholic beverages) 標示方式 How to Label 1. 酒之容器外表面積過小,致無法依第一項規定標示時,得附標籤標示之。If the space on the surface of an alcohol container is too small to accommodate the indications required by Paragraph 1 above, a labeling tag may be used for the purpose of labeling. 2. 酒類標示應清楚、易讀、利於辨識,且不得有不實或使人對酒類之產品特性有所誤解。其於直接接觸酒之容器上標示者,並應以牢固附著於容器上,不易毀損之方式為之。不得標示於瓶(罐)蓋或拉環即與酒瓶瓶(罐)身或鋁罐分離,黏貼於瓶(罐)蓋上或易開鋁罐拉環面上。 可免中文標情形 Could not to label 一、供外銷。但外銷酒類改為內銷或進口酒類出售時,仍應加中文標示。 二、進口菸酒之品牌名稱與其國外製造商名稱及地址。 三、委託製造之國外業者名稱及地址。 四、進口酒之地理標示 標示內容 Content of Label 第 32 條 酒經包裝出售者,製造業者或進口業者應於直接接觸酒之容器上標示下列事項: Article 32, In the sale of packaged alcohol products, the producer or importer shall indicate the following on the alcohol containers that is in direct contact with the alcohol: 一、品牌名稱。The name of the brand. 二、產品種類。The type of product. 三、酒精成分。 The alcohol content. 四、進口酒之原產地。The country of origin of the imported product's. 五、製造業者名稱及地址 Manufacturer Information; +進口業者名稱及地址 或+受託製造者...