[酒類 Alcohol]酒精飲料標示 Label of Alcohol(Alcoholic beverages)


Label of Alcohol(Alcoholic beverages)

標示方式 How to Label

1. 酒之容器外表面積過小,致無法依第一項規定標示時,得附標籤標示之。If the space on the surface of an alcohol container is too small to accommodate the indications required by Paragraph 1 above, a labeling tag may be used for the purpose of labeling.
2. 酒類標示應清楚、易讀、利於辨識,且不得有不實或使人對酒類之產品特性有所誤解。其於直接接觸酒之容器上標示者,並應以牢固附著於容器上,不易毀損之方式為之。不得標示於瓶(罐)蓋或拉環即與酒瓶瓶(罐)身或鋁罐分離,黏貼於瓶(罐)蓋上或易開鋁罐拉環面上。

可免中文標情形 Could not to label


標示內容 Content of Label 

第 32 條 酒經包裝出售者,製造業者或進口業者應於直接接觸酒之容器上標示下列事項:
 Article 32, In the sale of packaged alcohol products, the producer or importer shall indicate the following on the alcohol containers that is in direct contact with the alcohol:

一、品牌名稱。The name of the brand.
二、產品種類。The type of product.
三、酒精成分。 The alcohol content.
四、進口酒之原產地。The country of origin of the imported product's.
五、製造業者名稱及地址 Manufacturer Information;
The name and address of the producer; for an import, the name and address of the importer shall also be indicated; for alcohol products produced by a contractor, the name and address of the contracting party shall also be indicated; 
六、產製批號。The batch number.
七、容量。The volume.
八、 (有效日期)或(裝瓶日期+有效期限)。(酒精成分在7%以下之酒或酒盛裝容器為塑膠材質或紙質者)For alcohol products having an alcohol content of 7% or less, or which are packed in plastic or paper containers, the expiration date or bottling date shall be indicated. If the date of bottling is indicated, the date of expiration shall also be indicated.
九、警語。Excessive drinking endangers health" or other health warnings.
十、其他經中央主管機關公告之標示事項。Other labeling required by the central competent authority.


1. 酒類品牌:名稱應以寬大或粗體字為之,其字體應大於其他標示。
The labeling of alcohol shall be clear, legible, and easily distinguishable and shall not be false or misleading about the characteristics of the alcohol products. 
2. 酒類警語:應以長寬為2.56毫米以上字體於酒品容器最大外表面積明顯處清楚為之,其顏色應與底色互為對比,以利辨識。
Warning label on alcohol products shall be at least 2.65 mm in font size and be placed in a conspicuous place on the container’s largest external surface. Such statement shall be on a contrasting background for ready legibility.

酒類警語 Warnings of label

酒精類 Ethyl alcohol

一、高度易燃,應遠離火源、火花、火焰。Highly flammable. Keep away from sources of fire, sparks, and flames.
二、刺激眼睛、皮膚、呼吸系統,應置於陰涼且通風良好處,並緊蓋容器。Irritating to eyes, skin, and respiratory system and should be kept in a cool and ventilated location with cap on tightly.


The warning label referred in the preceding paragraph, except on ethyl alcohol, shall be labeled as “Excessive consumption of alcohol is harmful to health” or one of the followings:
(1)飲酒過量,有害〈礙〉健康。To be safe, don’t drink and drive.
(2)酒後不開車,安全有保障。Excessive drinking is harmful to you and others.
(3)飲酒過量,害人害己。Drinking is prohibited if under 18 years old.
(4)未滿十八歲禁止飲酒。Large quantity intake of alcohol product in a short period of time is lethal.
(5)短時間內大量灌酒會使人立即喪命。Other warnings approved by the central competent authority.
(6)找代駕 保平安。(財政部111年1月27日台財庫第11103616810號公告)
(7)安全誠無價 酒後找代駕。(同上公告)
(8)酒後找代駕 平安送到家。(同上公告)

*料理酒類-得標示「食用含酒料理 請勿開車」


品牌名稱 The name of the brand.

1. 為使消費者明確瞭解菸酒標示事項之意涵,應以條列方式清楚標示之。若前標已標示且其品牌名稱業以寬大字體為之,已符合酒類標示管理辦法第4條「酒類品牌名稱應以寬大或粗體字為之,其字體應大於其他標示。」規定者,背標得不再標示或以見前標方式註明。

產品種類 The type of product.

2. 進口酒類除酒精類外,得以海關核定放行所適用之進口稅則號別貨名標示產品種類。Imported alcohol products, except for ethyl alcohol products, the import tariff classification and goods’ names applied to the products approved and released by Customs may be used as the category.
3. 範例

酒精成分 The alcohol content.

(4) 酒精單位: 酒類之酒精成分指於攝氏檢溫器二十度時,原容量中含有乙醇之容量百分比,即一百毫升飲料酒中含酒精之毫升數,其單位以度、%、%vol或%by volume標示,並以單一數字為之。容許誤差範圍除蒸餾酒類為正負0.5度以外,其他酒類為正負1度。建議酒製造業者測量酒精成分所使用酒精比重計宜視使用頻率進行校正,以維持測量結果之正確性。

進口酒原產地 The country of origin of the imported product's.

(5) 酒類製品之原產地認定,應依據「進口貨物原產地認定標準」相關規定辦理。
(6) 該標準第7條規定,貨物為上市或為裝運所為之分類、分級、分裝與包裝等作業,不得認定為實質轉型作業。故如法國產製的葡萄酒,僅於德國進行包裝(裝瓶)之作業,其原產地應為法國,基於菸酒管理法第5條第2項規定,產製包括製造及分裝,故酒之製造業者得標示法商或德商。

製造商資訊 Manufacturer Information

(7) 如該菸酒之製造業者或進口業者因解散、結束營業或其他因素致無法查考時,得以該菸酒之經銷商、代理商或販賣業者名稱及地址標示之。該標示名稱之業者應對消費者負責。
(8) 不得標示進口原酒之「進口業者名稱及地址」,以避免消費者誤信其為進口酒品。
(9) 業者名稱應以「全銜」標示;至地址,國產菸酒應將相關路段、巷、弄及門牌號碼標示清楚。惟進口菸酒之製造業者地址之標示,得不標示至門牌號碼,但仍應就其所在區域有具體標示,且有足供消費者辨識及聯絡之內容。
(10) 酒製造業許可執照載明之總機構所在地或工廠所在地標示之
(11) 「委託製造業者名稱及地址」(可簡稱為「委託製造業者」或「委託製造商」)、「受託製造業者名稱及地址」(可簡稱為「受託製造業者」或「受託製造商」)

產製批號 The batch number.

(12) 係指表示「批」之特定文字、數字或符號等, 可據以追溯每批產品之經歷資料者,而「批」則以批號所表示在某一特定時段於某一特定生產線, 所生產之特定數量之產品。對於現行酒品標示有裝瓶日期或有效日期得反推裝瓶日期者,得視為產製批號。進口之葡葡酒,其採收及產製每年僅1次者,所標示之年份,得視為產製批號。

容量 The volume.

(13) 容量:應以公升、厘升、毫升、l (L)、cl 或 ml 為之。容許誤差範圍應符合 CNS 12924包裝食品裝量檢驗法he net contents of alcoholic beverage shall be stated in liter, centiliter, milliliter, l (L), cl, or ml.
The tolerances allowed for the volume referred to in the preceding paragraph shall conform to the provisions of CNS12924 Methods for Inspecting the Volume of Packaged Foods.

有效日期標示 The date of expiration

(14) 有效日期:應標明國曆或西曆之年月日。但有效期限在三個月以上者,有效日期之標示方式得僅標明年月,並推定該有效期限至當月之月底。
(15) 不得標示為「無限期」。財政部業訂定「市售包裝酒品有效日期評估指引」,俾利業者評估訂定其所製造包裝酒品有效日期。

其他 Other

(16) 建議標示營養標示,以提供效費者資訊,內容至少包括熱量及含糖量,並以「每100毫升」方式揭露。

(17) 分裝,指將散裝或其他較大重量、數量、容量包裝之菸酒,重新拆封予以改裝或灌裝為較小規格包裝,而無其他製造或加工之行為。
(18) 自92年6月30日起,進口或產製之菸酒不得再為菸酒專賣時期之專賣憑證標示。

宣稱建議 Claim

(1) 不得標示具醫療保健用語,亦不得使用類似文字、圖片暗示或明示有上述效果。進口酒不得另標示原標籤未標示事項。
Aside from the indications for the labeling given in the preceding paragraph, alcohol may not be labeled with medical or health care terms, or with text or images that explicitly or implicitly indicate similar effects. Imported alcohol may not separately indicate any matter not indicated on the original labeling.
(2) 品牌名稱單獨標示或與其他文字、圖形、記號、數字等結合者,不得使人對年份、酒齡、原產地或其他產品特性有所誤解。
Brand names that are solely labeled or combined with other words, patterns, marks, or numbers, shall convey no erroneous impression or inference as to the age, origin, identity, or other characteristics of the product.
(3) 酒製造業者以其他製造業者之酒品為原料加工產製之酒,不得標示原酒之產地、風味及相關用語。
An alcohol producer that uses an alcohol product of another producer as raw material for processing is not permitted to indicate the country of origin or the flavor of the original alcohol product or use any related terms.

有關年分、酒齡 About age of alcohol

(4) 本法所稱年份,指水果釀造酒之所含同一種類水果原料,至少85%來自同一採收年份。(以單一數字為之)
(5) 本法所稱酒齡,指該酒類產品於裝瓶前貯存於容器中熟成時間;以數種酒齡之酒類調製而成,應以最短之酒齡標示之。(以單一數字為之)
(6) 酒類標示陳年者,應加註熟成年數;如以數種陳年之酒類調製而成者,應以最短之酒齡標示熟成年數。前開熟成年數之標示,須具有詳實紀錄及相關證明文件,備供查核。(以單一數字為之)
(7) 酒類標示「陳年」者,應加註熟成年數;如以數種陳年之酒類調製而成者,應以最短之酒齡標示熟成年數。前開熟成年數之標示,應以單一數字為之,且須具有詳實紀錄及相關證明文件,備供查核。

有關產地 About the country of origin

(8) 本法所稱地理標示,係指足以表徵商品之特定品質、聲譽或其他特色之國家或地區等地理來源,且該來源為該商品之原產地;地理標示應符合各該地區或國家之規定。
(9) 酒之容器與其外包裝之標示及說明書,不得有不實或使人誤信之情事,亦不得利用翻譯用語或同類、同型、同風格或相仿等其他類似標示或補充說明係產自其他地理來源。其已正確標示實際原產地者,亦同。酒製造業者以其他製造業者之酒品為原料加工產製之酒,不得標示原酒之產地、風味及相關用語。


(10) 酒品之製酒原料,除酒麴外全為小米,且其酒麴用量未超過製酒原料之20%(以重量計)者,方得標示為純小米酒或純釀小米酒。
(11) 製酒時使用小米及其他穀類原料混釀,其小米用量不低於製酒原料之50%(以重量計)者,方得標示為小米酒。
(12) 「手工產製」,係指不得使用任何電力或熱能機器之人力產製而言。所稱「自用」乙詞,指供自己使用,凡提供他人使用而有對價關係者均非屬於「自用」範疇。

酒類的廣告促銷規定 Promotion alcohol product

(1) 酒販賣業者,應於零售酒之場所出入口處或其他適當地點,明顯標示下列警示圖文:
An alcohol seller shall conspicuously display the following warning text and images at the entrance and exit of its retail venue or other appropriate locations:

一、飲酒勿開車。"Don’t Drink and Drive."
二、未滿十八歲者,禁止飲酒。"Sale of alcohol to anyone under 18 is prohibited."
三、本場所不販賣酒予未滿十八歲者。"This establishment does not sell alcohol to anyone under 18."

(2) 酒之廣告或促銷,應明顯標示「禁止酒駕」,並應標示「飲酒過量,有害健康」或其他警語,且不得有下列情形:
 Alcohol advertisements and promotions shall be conspicuously labeled with the warnings " Driving After Drinking is Prohibited," and further with second warning such as "Excessive Drinking Endangers Health," or other warnings, and shall not involve any of the following:

一、違背公共秩序或善良風俗。Violation of public order and good morals.
二、鼓勵或提倡飲酒。Encouraging or advocating consumption of alcohol.
三、以兒童、少年為對象,或妨害兒童、少年、孕婦身心健康。Targeting of children or youths, or harming the mental and physical wellbeing of children, youths, or pregnant women.
四、虛偽、誇張、捏造事實或易生誤解之內容。Content that is deceptive, exaggerated, fabricated, or easily misinterpreted.
五、暗示或明示具醫療保健效果之標示、廣告或促銷。Labeling, advertising, or promotions that implicitly or explicitly indicate medical or health effects.
六、其他經中央主管機關公告禁止之情事。Other matters whose prohibition is publicly announced by the central competent authority.

3. 非屬本法所稱菸、酒之製品,不得為菸、酒或使人誤信為菸、酒之標示、廣告或促銷。No labeling, advertising, or promotion as a tobacco or alcohol product, or which will mislead people to believe a product is a tobacco or alcohol product, may be used when the product is not a tobacco or alcohol product as defined in this Act.




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