[食品用容器具Food Utensils and Food Containers or Packaging]台灣食品用容器具要怎麼標示 Food Utensils and Food Containers or Packaging Label in Taiwan


How to label Food Utensils and Food Containers or Packaging?

食品用容器具 Food Utensils and Food Containers or Packaging

大致可以區分 It can be roughly distinguished :

1.      食品接觸面含「塑膠」材質之容器具

Food utensils and food containers or packaging made from plastic or containing plastic.

- 依食品安全衛生管理法標示(如下 As following regulation)

2.      其他食品容器具 Other utensils and food containers or packaging

- 依商品標示法標示

食品接觸面含塑膠材質 之「食品器具」、「食品容器」或「食品包裝」

Food utensils and food containers or packaging made from plastic or containing plastic.

標示方式 How to label?


Food utensils, food containers or packaging designated by the central competent authority in a public announcement shall conspicuously indicate in Chinese and common symbols the following matters:

一、品名。 product name

二、材質名稱及耐熱溫度;其為二種以上材質組成者,應分別標明。name of materials and thermal resistance temperature or, in the case of a mixture of two or more materials, each of the materials shall be indicated separately

三、淨重、容量或數量。net weight, volume or quantity

四、國內負責廠商之名稱、電話號碼及地址。name, telephone number and address of the responsible domestic company

五、原產地(國)。country of origin

六、製造日期;其有時效性者,並應加註有效日期或有效期間。manufacturing date, and the expiry date or the term of validity if the product has a limited duration of stroage

七、使用注意事項或微波等其他警語。precautions for use or microwavable and other warnings

八、其他經中央主管機關公告之事項。other matters designated by the central competent authority in a public announcement.



[食品 Food]台灣食品要做哪些標示 Food Label In Taiwan

[食品 Food]原產地標示(含日本產品原產地、牛豬肉原料原產地)

[化妝品 Cosmetic]容量、製造商、效期資訊 Information of Net weight or volume, Manufacturer and Expiry date