[一般商品 Commodity]台灣商品標示概要 Commodity Label Summary In Taiwan



Commodity Labeling Act is the most basic Labeling regulation for all commodity in Taiwan.Like food, cosmetic, pet food etc. need to follow "special regulation", but other like textiles, electronic products, stationery, toys and etc. need to follow "Commodity Labeling Act" and "Consumer Protection Act".

可以參考以下規範 You can refer to the following Regulation.

商品標示 Commodity Label

標示方式 How to label


According to article 9 of Commodity Labeling Act, Where a commodity is introduced for sale on the market, the following particulars shall be labeled for the commodity by the producer, manufacturer or importer of such commodity.

一、商品名稱。Name of the commodity

二、生產、製造商(或委託製造商,非受託製造商)名稱、電話、地址及「商品原產地」。屬進口商品者,並應標示進口商(不得已代理商或供應商或經銷商代替)名稱、電話及地址。Name, telephone number and address of the producer or manufacturer, the place of origin of the commodity, and the name, telephone number and address of the importer in the case of imported commodity;




Contents or composition of the commodity:
(1) Major components/ingredients or materials;
(2) Net weight, volume or quantity, or measurements which shall be labeled in statutory measuring units, other measurements may be added , when it is deemed necessary;

四、國曆或西曆製造日期。但有時效性者,應加註有效日期或有效期間。Date of manufacture in Chinese calendar or Gregorian calendar; and the expiration date or the term of validity, if the commodity has a limited duration of storage

五、其他依中央主管機關規定,應行標示之事項。Other particulars as required by the central government competent authority.


        Other (Dangerous, related to health and safety, or in a special state or requiring special treatment)

1.      用途 Purpose

2.      使用與保存方法 How to use and preserve

3.      其他應注意事項 Other matters needing attention

*舉例應標示之品項 機車齒輪油、壓力鍋、洗滌肥皂、牙籤、保溫杯、暖暖包、浴廁洗潔劑、嬰兒背帶、氙氣燈、攜帶式卡式爐、輪胎、精油(非屬藥品、食品、化粧品及環境用藥)、芳香劑、棉棒(非醫療用)、化妝棉、卸妝棉、牙線棒、噴霧式除臭劑、酒精膏()、洗衣丸等。



服飾、織品、嬰兒床、嬰兒學步車、手推嬰幼兒車、玩具、文具、電器、3C(資訊、通訊、消費性電子) 、陶瓷面磚、鞋類




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[食品 Food]原產地標示(含日本產品原產地、牛豬肉原料原產地)