
目前顯示的是 3月, 2022的文章

[食品 Food]液蛋(無殼蛋)標示 Labeling of Liquid Egg Products

 液蛋(無殼蛋)標示  Labeling of Liquid Egg Products 須標示項目: 包裝液蛋 The container or external packaging of prepackaged liquid egg 1.品名須加「殺菌」或「未殺菌」,且字體大小與起他品名一致 Shall be labelled the word “pasteurized” or “unpasteurized” in the product name additionally. 2.須標示「保存條件」 Shall be labelled with the storage conditions 3.屬未殺菌者並標示「本產品須使用於生產經充分加熱或其他足以達到有效殺菌之食品」。 Besides, unpasteurized liquid egg products shall also be labelled with the words as follows: “The product must be used in the production of foods that will be sufficiently heated or other processing methods sufficient for effective pasteurization “or other synonymous terms. 散裝液蛋 仍須標示品名及「有效日期」。 Bulk liquid egg products shall label the products in accordance with Article 2 of the Regulations. The expiry date and country of origin shall also be labelled. The label may be in the form of mark (label), cards or notice boards which in turn are either stuck, posted, hung, erected (inserted) or utilized in other ways which are clearly visible. 參考資料~ ...

[食品 Food]添加阿斯巴甜之食品標示 Label for Foods with aspartame added

 添加阿斯巴甜之食品標示  Label for Foods with aspartame added 添加阿斯巴甜之食品,應以中文顯著標示「苯酮尿症患者(Phenylketonurics)不宜使用或同等意義之字樣。 Food products containing aspartame (including sugar substitute tablet and powder forms) shall be clearly labelled with “Not suitable for Phenylketonurics” or synonymous words. 參考資料~ 公告添加阿斯巴甜之食品(包括代糖錠劑及粉末)應以中文顯著標示「苯酮尿症患者(Phenylketonurics)不宜使用或同等意義之字樣

[食品 Food]經輻射照射食品標示標章 Labeling of Irradiated Foods

 經輻射照射食品標示標章  Labeling of Irradiated Foods 1.經輻射照射食品,應標示此標章。 Foods that are treated with radiation shall bear the symbol for radiation on their outer packaging obviously. 2.輻射應符合「 食品輻射照射處理標準 」規定。凡未列該標準「限用照射食品品目」之食品,不得以輻射照射處理,否則即違反食品安全衛生管理法第17條規定。 限用照射食品品目 Restricted Food 限用輻射線源 Restricted radiation source 最高輻射限能量(百萬電子伏) Maximum radiation energy (million electron volts) 最高照射劑量(千格雷) Maximum exposure dose (kGray) 照射目的 Purpose 馬鈴薯、甘藷、分蔥、洋蔥、大蒜、生薑 Potato, sweet potato, scallion, onion, garlic, ginger 電子 Electron 10 0.15 抑制發芽 Inhibit germination X射線或γ射線 Electron X-rays or gamma rays 5 木瓜、芒果 Papaya, Mango 電子 Electron 10 1.5 延長儲存期限;防治蟲害 Extended shelf life, P est control X射線或γ射線 Electron X-rays or gamma rays 5 草莓 Strawberry 電子 Electron 10 2.4 延長儲存期限 Extended shelf life X射線或γ射線 Electron X-rays or gamma rays 5 豆類 beans 電子 Electron 10 1 防治蟲害 Pest control X射線或γ射線 Electron X-rays or gamma rays 5 其他生鮮蔬菜 other fresh vegetables 電子 Electron 10 1 延長儲存期限;去除病原菌之污染 Extended shelf life,  Remove...

[食品 Food]重組肉、注脂肉標示規定 Labeling Regulation of Restructured Meat, Artificial Marbling Meat

 重組肉、注脂肉標示規定   Labeling Regulation of Restructured Meat, Artificial Marbling Meat 於111年7月1日實施 1.規範範圍 Define :  重組肉 Restructured Meat : 以禽畜肉或水產品為原料,經組合、黏著、壓型或其他方式,以一種或多種加工過程製造之產品,且該產品外觀易造成消費者誤解為單一肉 (水產品)塊(排、片)之產品。 This regulation is applicable to the meat (seafood) products made of one or more of the processing technology by reformed, combined or pressure-shaped, and the appearance of the product for the steak (slice), could lead to consumers' misleading as whole pieces of meat products 注脂肉 Artificial Marbling Meat : 以畜肉為原料,經油脂或以油脂混加食品原料、食品添加物注入、調理過程製造之產品。 Artificial marbling entails the injection of fat into lean meat in order to enhance its taste when cooked. Consumers may mistake such processed cuts for authentic, naturally marbled meat. 2.加標項目 Need to Label : 重組肉 Restructured Meat : 加標重組、組合字樣。並加註「僅供熟食」。 Restructured of packaged foods shall be labeled in Chinese the word "Restructure”, “Combination “, or the words with equivalent meaning shall be marked in the prod...