[食品 Food]液蛋(無殼蛋)標示 Labeling of Liquid Egg Products
液蛋(無殼蛋)標示 Labeling of Liquid Egg Products 須標示項目: 包裝液蛋 The container or external packaging of prepackaged liquid egg 1.品名須加「殺菌」或「未殺菌」,且字體大小與起他品名一致 Shall be labelled the word “pasteurized” or “unpasteurized” in the product name additionally. 2.須標示「保存條件」 Shall be labelled with the storage conditions 3.屬未殺菌者並標示「本產品須使用於生產經充分加熱或其他足以達到有效殺菌之食品」。 Besides, unpasteurized liquid egg products shall also be labelled with the words as follows: “The product must be used in the production of foods that will be sufficiently heated or other processing methods sufficient for effective pasteurization “or other synonymous terms. 散裝液蛋 仍須標示品名及「有效日期」。 Bulk liquid egg products shall label the products in accordance with Article 2 of the Regulations. The expiry date and country of origin shall also be labelled. The label may be in the form of mark (label), cards or notice boards which in turn are either stuck, posted, hung, erected (inserted) or utilized in other ways which are clearly visible. 參考資料~ ...