[食品 Food]進口日本食品管理規定 Regulations for importing Japanese food to Taiwan
進口日本食品管理規定 Regulations for importing Japanese food to Taiwan (2024.10.11) 2024年9月25日出口後(出口日期)之產品適用該規定。 Exported after 25 September 2024 一、停止輸入之品項 List of prohibited product 1.日本厚生勞働省發布之「 出荷制限一覧表 」中限制流通品項別及其生產製造地區之產品,為當然停止輸入查驗者。 Follow the list of "出荷制限一覧表" from Japanese Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare, the product in the list should be prohibited to import into Taiwan. 二、應檢附輻射檢測證明 Attache radiation certificate 1.福島縣、茨城縣、櫪木縣、群馬縣、千葉縣開放品項之產品。Products permitted for distribution in Fukushima, Ibaraki, Tochigi, Gunma, and Chiba prefectures. 三、須符合輻射之標準 Standard of radiation 食品中原子塵或放射能污染容許量標準 (20160118) Standards for the Tolerance of Atomic Dust and Radioactivity Contamination in Foods 放射性核種 碘131 銫134與銫137之總和 Radioactive nucleus (I-131) (Cs-134+Cs-137) 食品類別 Food category 乳及乳製品 Milk and Milk products 55 貝克/公斤 50貝克/公斤 (55 Bq/kg) (50 Bq/kg) 嬰兒食品 Infant foods 55 貝克/公斤 50貝克/公斤 (55 Bq/kg) (50 Bq/kg) 飲料及包裝水 Soft drink and bottled water 100貝克/公斤 10貝克/公斤 (100 Bq/kg) (10 B...