[食品 Food]乳製品相關標示規定 Dairy product labeling


Dairy product labeling

It can classify to three categories 
1.牛乳類飲品 Milk drink
2.乳粉類 Milk powder
3.調味用乳品 Dairy for flavoring 
(如奶油、奶精、煉乳等)  ( Ex. Cream, Coffee Creamer, Condensed milk ,etc.)

1.牛乳類飲品 Milk drink

定義 Define

(一) 鮮乳:指以生乳為原料,經加溫殺菌包裝後冷藏供飲用之乳汁。包含脂肪調整鮮乳(高脂、全脂、中脂、低脂及脫脂)、強化鮮乳及低乳糖鮮乳。(強化鮮乳得添加生乳中所含之營養素。)
Fresh milk: It refers to the milk product made from raw milk subjected to pasteurization and refrigeration after packaging, and thereafter sold for consumption. Included milk fat adjustment fresh milk (high-fat, whole, low-fat, skimmed), fortified fresh milk, low-lactose fresh milk. Fortified fresh milk can add nutrients contained in raw milk.

(二) 保久乳:指以生乳或鮮乳經高壓滅菌或高溫滅菌,以無菌包裝後供飲用之乳汁;或以瓶(罐)裝生乳,經高壓滅菌或高溫滅菌後供飲用之乳汁,可於室溫下儲藏。
Sterilized milk: It refers to the milk product made from raw milk or fresh milk subjected to high-pressure or high-temperature sterilization process, packed in aseptic package, and thereafter sold for consumption; or it refers to the bottled (canned) milk product made from fresh milk subjected to high-pressure or high-temperature sterilization process and sold for consumption, can be stored at room temperature.

(三) 調味乳:指以百分之五十以上之生乳、鮮乳或保久乳為主要原料,添加調味料等加工製成。
Flavored milk: It refers to the processed milk product containing at least 50% of raw milk, fresh milk, or sterilized milk for major ingredients mixed with flavor additive.

(四) 保久調味乳:指調味乳經高壓滅菌或高溫滅菌,以無菌包裝後供飲用之乳汁;或以瓶(罐)裝調味乳,經高壓滅菌或高溫滅菌後供飲用之乳汁。
Sterilized flavored milk: It refers to the milk product made from flavored milk subjected to high-pressure or high-temperature sterilization process, packed in aseptic package and sold for consumption; or it refers to the bottled (canned) flavored milk product subjected to high-pressure or high-temperature sterilization process and sold for consumption.

(五) 乳飲品:指將乳粉或濃縮乳加水還原成比例與原鮮乳比例相同之還原乳,並佔總內容物含量百分之五十以上,或還原乳混合生乳、鮮乳或保久乳後,佔總內容物含量百分之五十以上,得混和其他非乳原料及食品添加物加工製成未發酵飲用製品。
Milk drink: It refers to the processed milk product reconstituted by combining dry milk powder or concentrated milk with water following the same proportion constituting the original milk, and the milk ingredients therein contained constitute at least 50% of the product; or it refers to the processed milk product combining powder with raw milk, fresh milk, or sterilized milk, wherein milk ingredients constitute at least 50% of the product; the non-milk based raw materials and food additives may be used.

(六) 保久乳飲品:指乳飲品經高壓滅菌或高溫滅菌,以無菌包裝後供飲用之乳汁;或以瓶(罐)裝乳飲品,經高壓滅菌或高溫滅菌後供飲用之乳汁。
Sterilized milk drink: It refers to the milk drink subjected to high-pressure or high-temperature sterilization process, packed in aseptic package and sold for consumption; or it refers to the bottled (canned) milk drink subjected to high-pressure or high-temperature sterilization process and sold for consumption.

需要標示的項目 Need to label:

1.保存期限、保存條件 Expiration date and storage conditions

2.不同產品需加標事項 Different products need to label below keyword
(字體大小: 大於四毫米,字體顏色須與包裝底色不同。
The font size: exceed 4 mm and the color tone of the text)

(一) 鮮乳產品 Fresh milk,
The name of product should be “Fresh milk” or “Milk”.

(二) 保久乳產品 Sterilized milk,
The name of product should be “Sterilized milk”, “Milk”, or words of similar meaning. If the product name does not contain the words of “Sterilized milk”, the words of “Sterilized milk” in Chinese should be manifested on an easily visible section of the product’s outer package.
(2)以中文標示滅菌方式 Clearly declare the sterilization process

(三) 調味乳產品 Flavored milk,
The name of product should be “Flavored milk”, “Milk”, or words of similar meaning. If the product does not contain the words of “Flavored milk”, the words of “Flavored milk” in Chinese should be manifested on an easily visible section of the product’s outer package.

(四) 保久調味乳產品 Sterilized flavored milk,
The name of product should be “Sterilized flavored milk”, “Milk”, or words of similar meaning. If the product does not contain the words of “Sterilized flavored milk”, the words of “Sterilized flavored milk” in Chinese should be manifested on an easily visible section of the product’s outer package.
(2)以中文標示滅菌方式 Clearly declare the sterilization process

(五) 乳飲品產品 Milk drink,
The name of product should be “Milk drink”, “Milk”, or words of similar meaning. If the product does not contain the words of “Milk drink”, the words of “Milk drink” in Chinese should be manifested on an easily visible section of the product’s outer package.

(六) 保久乳飲品產品 Sterilized milk drink,
The name of product should be “Sterilized milk drink”, “Milk”, or words of similar meaning. If the product does not contain the words of “Sterilized milk drink”, the words of “Sterilized milk drink” should be manifested on an easily visible section of the product’s outer package.
(2)以中文標示滅菌方式 Clearly declare the sterilization process

2.乳粉類 Milk powder

定義 Define

(一) 乳粉 :指由生乳除去水分所製成之粉末狀產品。包含脂肪調整乳粉(高脂,全脂,中脂,低脂及脫脂)、強化乳粉及低乳糖乳粉。(強化乳粉得添加生乳中所含之營養素。)
Milk powder: It refers to the milk product in powder form obtained after raw milk has been dehydrated. Included milk fat adjustment milk powder (high-fat, whole, low-fat, skimmed ), fortified milk powder, low-lactose milk powder. Fortified milk powder can add nutrients contained in raw milk.

(二) 調製乳粉:指由生乳、鮮乳、或乳粉等為主要原料,並佔總內容物含量百分之五十以上,混合食用乳清粉、或調整其他營養與風味成分或各種必要之食品添加物,予以調合而成之粉末狀產品。
Modified milk powder: It refers to the milk product in powder form which used raw milk, fresh milk, or milk powder for major materials, and mixed with edible whey powder or added with other nutrients, flavor ingredients, or a variety of essential food additives, then processed into a powder mixture.

需要標示的項目 Need to label:

1.10公斤及10公斤以上食用乳粉、乳酪粉及乳清粉 Edible milk powder, cheese powder and whey powder of 10kg and above
應加標示「食用」或等同字樣於容器或包裝上。 Should be marked with "edible" or equivalent on the container or package.

2.不同產品需加標事項 Different products need to label below keyword
(字體大小: 大於四毫米,字體顏色須與包裝底色不同。
The font size: exceed 4 mm and the color tone of the text)

(一) 乳粉產品 Milk powder,
品名為「乳粉」或「奶粉」。The name of product should be “Milk powder”.

(二) 調製乳粉產品 Modified milk powder,
(1)品名為「調製乳粉」。未以「調製乳粉」為品名者,應於產品外包裝顯著處以中文標示「調製乳粉」字樣。The name of product should be “Modified milk powder”. If the product does not contain the words of “Modified milk powder”, the words of “Modified milk powder” in Chinese should be manifested on an easily visible section of the product’s outer package.
(2)明顯處以中文顯著標示乳粉含量百分比。Bear a label indicating the percentage of milk powder content in Chinese on an easily visible section of the package.
The term “Percentage of the Milk Powder Content” refers to the weight percentage of milk powder contained in the solid milk powder product vis-à-vis the total weight of the formula;

乳粉含量 Milk powder content (%) = 
(乳粉重量 Weight of Milk Powder/配方總重量 Total Weight of the Formula)  x 100% 

3.調味用乳品 Dairy for flavoring 

(如奶油、奶精、煉乳等)  ( Ex. Cream, Coffee Creamer, Condensed milk ,etc.)

定義 Define

(一) 奶油 Butter
A product in the form of an emulsion of the type water-in-oil containing edible butter made from fat-containing products of dairy derivatives through pasteurization, agitation, and refinement with at least 80% of milkfat.

(二) 乳脂 Cream
A product containing fat physically separated from the milk and processed into a product in the form of an emulsion of the type oil-in-water, staying in fluidity or non-fluidity liquid state if kept above the freezing temperature, and having milkfat content at least 10%, but less than 80%.

(三) 人造奶油 Margarine
those fat-containing products in a plastic and liquid state, made from a blend of edible fats, oils, water and legal food additives, modified by the process of emulsification, chilling and kneading, or with the absence of chilling and kneading. Fat content of product is at least 80%.

(四) 脂肪抹醬 Fat spreads
those fat-containing products in a plastic and liquid state, made from a blend of edible fats, oils, water and legal food additives, modified by the process of emulsification, chilling and kneading, or with the absence of chilling and kneading. Fat content of product is at least 10% but less than 80%.

需要標示的項目 Need to label:

1.人造奶油 及 脂肪抹醬 Margarine and fat spreads
(1) 油脂含量達百分之八十以上者,品名應標示為「人造奶油」。
If fat content of product is at least 80%, the name of it shall be “margarine”.
(2) 油脂含量達百分之十以上未達百分之八十者,品名應標示為「脂肪抹醬」。
If fat content of product is at least 10% but less than 80%, the name of it shall be “fat spreads”.

2.產品品名標示宣稱為「奶精」,其內容物不含乳者,應於品名之後明顯加註「不含乳(奶)」;乳含量未達百分之五十者,應於品名之後加註「非乳(奶)為主」。前述加註字體應與品名字體大小一致。Prepackaged Coffee Creamer products that are labeled or claimed “奶精(Nai-jing)” in Chinese characters shall be labeled with reminder information, if the products do not contain milk or contain less than 50% of milk. The reminder label “不含乳(奶)(Non-dairy)” or “非乳(奶)為主(Not dairy based)” in Chinese shall be manifested after the product name on the product’s outer package. The font size of the reminder label shall be the same as the product name.

Expiration date and storage conditions of fresh milk, skim milk, evaporated milk, sweetened condensed milk, sweetened skim condensed milk, cream, fermented milk, synthetic milk and other liquid dairy products shall be labeled.

不得標示的項目 Not to label:

奶油、乳脂、人造奶油、脂肪抹醬、奶精 Butter, Cream, Margarine, Fat Spreads, Coffee Creamer
不得使用表彰其為植物性奶油之文字作為產品外包裝之標示。The words that are recognized as vegetable butter shall not appear on the packages.

4.發酵乳  Fermented milk

定義 Define

Fermented milk products, that is, raw milk, fresh milk and other dairy products as raw materials, fermented by lactic acid bacteria, yeast or other bacteria which are harmless to human health, and lower the pH value of product.

需要標示的項目 Need to label:

保存期限、保存條件 Expiration date and storage conditions.

*參考規定 Related regulation



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