[食品 Food]巧克力標示規定 Chocolate Label
Amendment to the Regulations Governing the Product Name and Labeling ofChocolate
Officially implemented on January 1, 2022
巧克力 - 以可可脂、可可粉或可可膏等可可製品為原料,並可添加糖、乳製品或食品添加物等製成之固體型態產品,包括不含內餡之黑巧克力、白巧克力及牛奶巧克力。
總可可固形物 - 係指可可中所有固形物含量。
非脂可可固形物 - 係指可可中除脂肪外的固形物含量。
牛乳固形物 - 係指巧克力添加乳粉,該乳粉所有固形物含量。
不含內餡之巧克力 : Ex.黑、白、牛奶巧克力
- 應符合相對應之比例,品名始得命名為「黑、白、牛奶巧克力」或「巧克力」。The product name labeled as “chocolate” shall be made from the raw materials with contents met with three previous requirements.
- 若該巧克力有添加植物油,應於品名附記標示「添加植物油」或等同意義字樣,且植物油含量不得超過5%(重量百分濃度)。For chocolate that contain vegetable fats but content does not exceed the 5% of the total weight of the product, the text of “adding with vegetable fats” or texts with the same meaning shall be labeled near the product name.
- 若成分比例不符合規定,則品名不得已「OO巧克力」、「OO代可可脂巧克力」。若確實含有可可成分,則得以可可糖、可可塊等品名命名。
含內餡巧克力 : Ex.堅果巧克力、餅乾巧克力、包餡巧克力
- 使用不含餡之巧克力,添加至其他原料上,巧克力含量超過25%,品名才能以巧克力為結尾,命名如「堅果巧克力」,並應於品名前加標「含餡」、「加工」等同意義字樣。亦可直接以內餡加註命名。“Filled Chocolate” is a product with one or more of the chocolates defined in the regulations with other composition. The chocolate must make up at least 25% of the total weight of the product, and the product name shall be labeled “filled chocolate” or “processed chocolate” or other synonymous terms.
- 若巧克力成分不達25%,本質不屬於巧克力,則不能以「巧克力」為字尾命名,如巧克力蛋糕、巧克力冰淇淋、巧克力麵包等。
- 若添加植物油,不需要額外標示。
其他型態巧克力 : Ex.巧克力漿、巧克力醬、巧克力沖泡粉
- 半固體、流體型態的巧克力,其終產品總可可固形物含量>=5%或可可脂>=2%,品名才能命名,巧克力漿、巧克力醬等。The product name labeled as "chocolate spread" or "chocolate syrup" or other synonymous shall use cocoa butter, cocoa powder or cocoa mass as raw material, and add other food ingredients to semi-solid or fluid forms. The total cocoa solids is at least 5% or cocoa butter is at least 2%
- 巧克力沖泡粉尚非屬目前管理範疇。
- 若添加植物油,不需要額外標示。
- 包裝巧克力字體長寬>0.2公分。The font of prepackaged chocolates label shall be larger than two millimeter in length and width.
- 具稅籍登記之食品販賣業者販售散裝巧克力,以標籤標示者字體長寬>0.2公分,以插牌立牌標示者字體長寬>2公分。The label may be in the form of cards, mark (label) or notice boards which in turn are either posted, hung, erected (inserted), stuck or utilized in other ways which are clearly visible. The vendors who choose to label the products with mark (label) shall make sure the font of the reminder is larger than two millimeter in length and width. Those who choose to label the products with other means of communication shall make sure the font of the reminder is larger than two centimeter in length and width.