過敏原標示規定 Food Allergen Label
Accroding to the provision of Subparagraph 10 of
Paragraph 1 of Article 22 of the Act Governing Food Safety and Sanitation.
Regulation of Food Allergen Labeling
過敏原項目列表 Allergen list
| 過敏原項目 | 細項說明 Detail | 排除項目 Except |
1 | 甲殼類 Crustacea | 歸屬甲殼綱者為本規定所指之「甲殼類」 | |
2 | 芒果 Mango | | |
3 | 花生 Peanut | 花生油仍要標示 | |
4 | 牛奶、羊奶 Milk, goat milk | | 豁免「乳糖醇」 Except lactitol |
5 | 蛋 Egg | 禽類(鳥、雞、鴨、鵝)的蛋 | 魚卵、蝦卵分別屬於魚類、甲殼類。 |
6 | 堅果類 Nuts | 杏仁(乾扁桃)(Almond)、榛果(Hazelnut)、核桃(Walnut)、腰果(Cashew nut)、胡桃(Pecan)、巴西堅果(Brazil nut)、開心果(Pistachio nut)、夏威夷豆(Macadamia nut)、松子(Pine nuts)、栗子(板栗)(Castanea、Chestnut)、山毛櫸堅果(Beech nut)、北美栗子(錐栗)(Chinquapin)、銀杏(Ginko nut)、霹靂果(非洲橄欖)(Pili nut)、椰子(Coconut)、乳木果(乳油木果)(牛油樹油)(Shea nut、Vitellaria paradoxa)、荔枝果核(Lichee nut) | 排除其他種子 Except for:可可豆(Coca)、咖啡豆(Coffee bean)、棕梠仁油(Palm kernel oil)、棕梠油(Palm oil)、葵花子(sunflower seeds) |
7 | 芝麻 Sesame | | |
8 | 含麩質之穀物 Cereals | 小麥、大麥、黑麥、燕麥、蕎麥 Wheat, barley, rye, oats, buckwheat | 豁免以魚類明膠製備之葡萄糖漿、麥芽糊精及酒類。 Except glucose syrup, maltodextrin and alcohol produced from cereals.
9 | 大豆 Soybean | 黃豆、毛豆、黑豆 Soy beans, edamame, black beans. | 豁免精煉大豆油(脂)(Highly refined or purified soybean oil)、混合形式之生育醇及其衍生物(Tocopherols and their deviation)、植物固醇(Phytosterols)、植物固醇酯(Phytosterol esters)。 |
10 | 魚類 Fish | | 排除螺貝類(蛤蜊牡蠣)、頭足類(花枝魷魚)動物。 另豁免以魚類明膠作為製備維生素或類胡蘿蔔素製劑之「載體」或酒類之「澄清劑」,但魚膠本身仍要標示。 Except fish gelatine used as carrier for vitamin or carotenoid preparations; fish gelatine used as fining agent in alcohol. |
11 | 使用亞硫酸鹽類等,其終產品以二氧化硫殘留量計每公斤十毫克以上之製品。 The use of sulphites etc., at concentrations of 10 mg/kg or more in term of total SO2 which are to be calculated for final products. | 若為本身含有、且殘留量超過10毫克,則建議加標警語 | 本身含有可不標示。 Except it don't add sulphites, but itself contains. |
| 建議過敏原項目 | 細項說明 Detail | 排除項目 Except |
1 | 頭足類 Cephalopods | 烏賊(花枝)、鎖管(小卷、透抽)、章魚、魷魚等 Squid, octopus, etc. | |
2 | 螺貝類 Molluscan Shellfish | 田螺、蚌、蜆、牡蠣、扇貝、貽貝、文蛤、鮑魚等 Escargots, mussels, clams, oysters, scallops, mussels, abalones, etc. | |
3 | 種子類 Seeds | 葵花籽、瓜子等 Sunflower seeds, melon seeds, etc. | 高度提煉或純化取得之葵花籽油 Except Highly refined or purified sunflower seed oil. |
4 | 奇異果 Kiwi fruit | | |
標示方式 How to label
The warning information prescribed in Article 2 shall be labeled as either way:
(1) Labeling on the package with the term of “This product contains ______”, “This product contains ______, unsuitable for susceptible individuals”, or other synonymous terms.
(2)The product name claims ______ , label in this way, all the allergic substances of product should be included in the product name.