[寵物食品 Pet Food]台灣寵物食品標示 Pet Food Label In Taiwan


寵物食品標示大綱 Pet Food Label Summary

寵物食品範圍 Pet Food Range


The pet food specifically refers to food for dog and cat. 


Other feeds such as for ornamental fish, Rabbits, Bird for pet and non-commercial animals may belong to general commodities.


寵物食品標示 Pet Food Label

標示方式 How to label

法源依據 Regulations


(Article 22-5 of Animal Protection Act)


Chinese language and universal symbols shall be used on the container, package or instruction of pet food to indicate the followings:

一、品名。Product name

二、淨重、容量、數量等 Net weight and volume(應標示法定度量衡單位,必要時,得加註其他單位。)

三、所使用主要原料、添加物名稱。 Main ingredient name

四、營養成分及含量 Nutrient composition and theirs amount。( 目前無統一格式或強制標示項目。可參照食品營養標示熱量、碳水化合物、蛋白質、脂肪、鈉或其他產品宣稱之營養素含量。或可參照依美國規範標示水分、粗蛋白質、粗脂肪、粗纖維、灰分、熱量等。)

五、製造業者(或輸入業者及國內負責廠商)名稱、地址及電話。輸入產品寄得標原產地。The name, address and telephone number of the manufacturer (or importer and domestic responsible manufacturer). And the country of origin of the product (import product).

六、有效日期或製造日期。Expiry date or manufacturing date

七、保存期限、保存方法及條件。Shelf life, preservation method and conditions.

八、適用寵物種類、方法及其他應注意事項。Applicable pet types, methods and other precautions.


寵物食品宣稱限制 The contents of the labeling, promotion, and advertisement


Labeling, promotion material or advertisement for pet food must not include false, exaggerated or misleading information.


Besides, You can refer to Pet Food Declaration Net



[食品 Food]台灣食品要做哪些標示 Food Label In Taiwan

[食品 Food]淨重標示規定 Regulation of labeling Net weight & Volume

[食品 Food]原產地標示(含日本產品原產地、牛豬肉原料原產地)