[食品 Food]要進行查驗登記有哪些? Which type of food need to Application for registration in Taiwan?



Which type of food need to Application for registration in Taiwan?


We can roughly divide into seven categories 1.Food additives, 2.Health food, 3.Special dietary foods, 4.Domestic vitamins tablet and capsule food, 5.Imported tablet and capsule food, 6.Low-acid canned foods, 7.Genetically modified food raw materials.

強制查驗登記項目 Mandatory registration items

一、食品添加物 Food additives

二、低酸性罐頭食品 Low-acid canned foods


三、基因改造之黃豆及玉米 Genetically modified food raw materials ( Soybean and cron)

四、國產維生素類錠狀膠囊狀食品 Domestic vitamins tablet and capsule food


1. 錠狀(Tablet)食品,係指利用混合賦型劑作成粒狀,再加滑澤劑壓縮製成的食品。簡言之,即經過打錠的食品。

2. 膠囊狀(Capsule)食品:

(1) 硬膠囊:充填於一般由動()物膠製作之兩端封閉圓狀的食品;或一端封閉, 未封閉端則交互插入嵌合的一對圓狀食品。

(2) 軟膠囊:以液狀、糊狀或油溶性原料為主的內容物,用薄膜(皮膜)(一般是以明膠及甘油為主原料)包覆成型所製成,有接縫或無接縫之球狀軟膠囊。其粒徑較小之無縫軟膠囊又稱晶球、晶球膠囊。

3. 維生素含量係指營養素型態的含量,並非所添加食品添加物型態的含量。如食品添加物「硝酸硫胺明」,營養素含量應以「硫胺素」計。

4. 若係天然原料(例如檸檬汁、胡蘿蔔)所含之維生素,則非屬前開查驗登記所指「維生素」範疇。

5. 粉狀、液狀或須經溶解於開水調勻後飲用之發泡錠產品,則不屬須辦理查驗登記之範疇。








維生素 A (All-trans Retinol)

大於或等於 1050 μg R.E.3496.5 I.U.

且不超過 3000 μg R.E.10000 I.U.


維生素 B1 (Thiamine)

大於或等於 1.95 mg 且不超過 50 mg


維生素 B2 (Riboflavin)

大於或等於 2.25 mg 且不超過 100 mg


維生素 B6 (Pyridoxine)

大於或等於 2.1 mg 且不超過 80 mg


維生素 B12 (Cobalamin)

大於或等於 3.6 μg 且不超過 1000 μg


維生素 C (L–Ascorbic Acid)

大於或等於 150 mg 且不超過 1000 mg


維生素 D (Cholecalciferol /Calciferol)

大於或等於 15 μg600 I.U.

且不超過 20μg800 I.U.


維生素 E (D-α-Tocopherol)

大於或等於 18 mg α-T.E.26.8 I.U.

且不超過 268 mg α-T.E.400 I.U.


維生素 K [ Phylloquinone(Vitamin K1) / Menaquinone(Vitamin K2) / Menadione(Vitamin K3) ]

大於或等於 140 μg 且不超過 500 μg


菸鹼酸 (Niacin / Nicotinic Acid / Nicotinamide)

大於或等於 25.5 mg N.E.

且不超過 100 mg N.E.


葉酸 (Folic Acid)

大於或等於 600 μg 且不超過 800 μg

五、輸入膠囊錠劑食品 Imported tablet and capsule food



「粉末狀」 (X)

「非打錠製得之圓球狀」 (X)

「需經沖泡溶解後飲用之顆粒狀」 (X)

「需以開水或飲料沖調之發泡錠」 (X)

非強制查驗登記項目 Voluntary registration items

健康食品、特殊營養食品(嬰兒配方食品及較大嬰兒配方輔助食品及特定疾病配方食品),屬於若你要針對疾病、特殊族群進行飲食建議宣稱或是功效性宣稱,則需進行查驗登記之後使得宣稱。 Like Health food, Special dietary foods. When your food products need to be claimed some special description involving maintaining or altering the physiology, appearance or function of human organs and tissue or diseases and special groups, you need to register your food products to relate items

以下針對健康食品、特殊營養食品定義 Define Health food and special dietary foods:

健康食品 Health food: 

(參考健康食品管理法 Health Food Control Act)


The term "health food" shall denote food with health care effects, having been labeled or advertised with such effects.

特殊營養食品 Special dietary foods

1.          嬰兒配方食品 Infant formula:


It refers to the specially-made food substitute for breast milk, and can be used for feeding alone before infants begin eating supplementary food as it satisfies the nutritional needs of infants at the ages of 0 - 6 months.

2.          較大嬰兒配方輔助食品 Follow-up infant Formula :


It refers to the food for infants at the ages of 6 – 12 months, and serves as the weaning formula for feeding with the complementary food; however, it is not fit for feeding alone for infants who are under six months of age.

3.          特殊醫療用途嬰兒配方食品 Infant formula for special medical purposes:


It refers to the food substitute for breast milk or infant formula and satisfies the special nutritional needs of infants suffering from nutritional disorder or diseases or having health conditions. After growing older, infants may begin eating proper supplementary food.

4.          特定疾病配方食品 Formula for Certain Disease :


Formula for certain disease referred to in this chapter is intended for the dietary management of patients who have impaired capacity to ingest, digest, absorb or metabolize ordinary foods or certain nutrients, or who, for any medically-proven reason, have special dietary requirements that cannot be easily met with re-balancing daily diet. The food products in this category are processed or formulated according to the needs of the target users.



[食品 Food]台灣食品要做哪些標示 Food Label In Taiwan

[食品 Food]原產地標示(含日本產品原產地、牛豬肉原料原產地)

[化妝品 Cosmetic]容量、製造商、效期資訊 Information of Net weight or volume, Manufacturer and Expiry date